Ascot Rehab Centre

NAFS partners with several organisations in the health sector in order to provide our clients with the best possible support across several fields.

Our partnership with Asco Rehab Centre allows us to offer quick and easy access to specialised services that could be of benefit to some of our clients, depending on their needs. Ascot Rehab predominantly works in the field of neurorehabilitation following traumatic brain or spine injury.

The clinical neuropsychologists at Ascot Rehab will arrange a detailed assessment of cognitive functions for patients suffering brain or spine injury. The assessment includes memory, language, perception, planning, reasoning and attention, as well as behaviour and emotional well-being in patients with suspected or confirmed brain pathology.

Therapy will include teaching patients to use strategies to manage or overcome these issues and to help to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and distress throughout their recovery.

The clinical neuropsychology team at Ascot Rehabilitation is staffed by doctors of clinical neuropsychology and psychology assistants. They work closely with other members of the multi-disciplinary team, as well as patients and their families, to design a programme of rehabilitation goals which will address the patients’ overall aims.