Due to the sensitivity of the information, we hold; we wish to set out our obligations to you.
All information which we hold is purely for the health, wellbeing of yourself, and in certain circumstances of your family.
1. First, we need your consent before we take any of your information to hold and process.
2. All information given by yourself, or any third party will be treated in the strictest confidence and our Computer Systems have been designed also to give the highest security.
3. Unless we receive your permission, this information will not be divulged to any third party and will only be viewed by the clinicians and members of staff concerned with your care &
4. We Only request information that is needed for us to treat you. For obvious reasons as set out below:

  • Your Name, address, DOB, NHS No and email address are required because we will need to request information about any existing medication and treatment you are receiving from your GP, so that we do not prescribe (if necessary) any medication which is contraindicated.
  • We may contact you if your appointment needs to be cancelled or rearranged.  Also, for us to enable us to send you an Invoice.
  • If you are If you are taking advantage of our Virtual sessions, we shall need to invite you to log in to our “virtual platform or Microsoft Teams.
  • Your Medical History as previous injury or illnesses may have a direct relation to your present problems and will help us in diagnosing and treating you successfully.
  • Next of Kin Details is required in case you are taken ill at a session, and we need to get a family member to come to your aid, or just to be present.
  • Financial details such as credit/debit card information that you use to pay us. This information will not be held on file.
  • Your Racial, Ethnic origin, Religion or philosophical beliefs, Trade Union Membership, Genetic and bio-metric data, and sexuality are considered special types of data and only where they have a direct relevance to your mental or Health & Wellbeing will this information be recorded in your records and will only be accessed by clinicians and staff concerned with your care and treatment.

5. This information will only be held for a limited period, unless held for on-going, assessment or support. And when no longer required will be disposed of securely, both from our electronic and paper records. Here we would advise that you have the following rights:

  •  A right of access to this information, (Both electronic and/ or Hard Copy.)
  •  A right of rectification if you feel information held is inaccurate. If such information has been, with your permission passed to a third party, such erroneous information will be advised for further rectification in their records.
  •  A right to request that processing is restricted further. Or to remove your consent for processing of your personal data. (There is a form we can keep on file, so that either request is respected. - Please ask for one)
  • The right not to be subjected to automated decision-making including profiling.

6. If you feel that we have breached your confidentiality, we will ask you to report this to a member of our management committee if this is not acted upon within a reasonable time. You are also at liberty to report this to the Information Commissioners Office in writing stating your concerns. The address of this body is available on request.

7. One thing we ask of you is that if you need to change or cancel an appointment that this is done at least 48 hours in advance, so that we can allocate this time to another patient. Unfortunately, if this is not done, we shall have to charge for the missed appointment.

8. Finally, the contact details of our Data Controllers are:

  • Dr M. Nasir: Nafs, Health Consultancy & Training Limited and the Detail of his representative is Mrs Lisa Robertson:
  • Nafs, Health Consultancy & Training Ltd., Telephone Number 02034091187.
  • Email Address

We are here to help

At Nafs Health, we specialize in providing effective residential and outpatient therapies for psychological trauma, stress, and breakdown. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you or your loved ones find the path to lasting recovery. 

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